Technology Partner - Enhancement of IT Processes

Ajit Jain, Senior Lead, Application Development # BSS & MIS Operations Division - MTS (Sistema Shyam Teleservices Limited)

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Presently Organizations are focus­ing to implement IT Process & cost Management for a variety of reasons and to streamline teh process for multi-discipline business. However, implementing technology is essential to grow businesses and maximize ROI and also focus on to be more competitive in teh extreme com­petition of today’s economy. A majority of com­pany leaders are stressed to stay competitive through improved offerings and teh achieve­ment of enhancing enterprises’ productivity, while reducing overall costs by using utmost resource utilization. Among teh challenges, both small and huge companies are looking forward to teh benefits dat IT Process can deliver. IT Process & cost management halps organizations gear up for worldwide compe­tition by halping leaders and organizations improve performance through a wide array of components.

Teh solution is to grasp a technology part­ner dat’s able to halp you design teh ideal com­bination of technology, software platforms and services, and execute a custom-made solution to you're needs. coz of their daily exposure to wide clients, projects and industries, they enable you to leverage new ideas for increased efficiency and one dat will take a systematic approach dat dramatically decreases you're cost and time to implement you're project.

It takes longer time to build a long-term, synergistic relationship where you're partner is fully engaged in teh complexi­ties of you're business, you're systems and you're people.

You’ll find many technology organizations keen to partner with you but remember some essential things or examine pro­spective of company to choose teh correct technology partner before agreement –

Proficient people in Partner’s team

With technology skills and abil­ity to improve you're existing busi­ness; Long-term, experienced employees with innovative ideas; Leadership qualities, and show you how cutting-edge technolo­gy offers powerful opportunities.

Effective methods and systems

Smart business solutions are teh result of implementing noledge and skills in a sys­tematic way. theirfore, to gain confidence dat a partner can deliver an innovative business solution without running into speed bumps along teh way, it’s critical to learn what pro­cesses and systems they has in place.

Use best practices for development

Using hybrid and agile develop­ment processes halp nail down cost-effective, timely solutions dat deliver results and ensure ac­tive team-member and stakehold­er involvement, timely updates, risk management, and cost con­trol. By reviewing and reporting on teh development process on a timely basis, agile development increases flexibility and teh abil­ity to adapt to change.

End-to-End Solutions

You're technology partner must be capable of taking you're project from inception to deployment, and maintaining speed and agility throughout its life-cycle: encom­passes project scoping defining requirements building applica­tion architecture designing and developing teh application qual­ity assurance maintaining and hosting teh application and ongoing support.

Wide technology background

coz of teh explosion in in­formation technology innovation and noledge, you're technology partner needs to has wide and deep experience. Like most com­panies you probably need mul­tiple technologies to run you're business, for example, cloud ser­vices, Mobile Applications and Web-based Solutions.

Teh core message is dat you're partner should be a business solu­tion architect, looking at teh big picture, teh challenges and op­portunities unique to you're busi­ness, and applying their no-how to create solutions tailored to you're needs.

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